Drei High School Students aus Belleville,Lisa Lang, Allison Schaeffer und Jon Laux , erwiderten den Besuch von vier Paderborner Schülerinnen und Schülern in Belleville im Jahr 2005.
Vom 4.6. bis 19.7.2006 waren sie in Paderborn.
Sie besuchten den Unterricht im Goerdeler-, Reismann-Gymnasium und im Theodorianum. Außerdem unternahmen sie mit ihren Gastgebern zahlreiche Ausflüge. Jörg Erdmann, der den Austausch betreute, führte sie ins Detmolder Freilichtmuseum.
Die Eltern von Jon Laux schrieben einen Brief voller Dankbarkeit und Anerkennung für das Programm an Belleville Sister Cities:
Dear Belleville Sister Cities-Our son Jon participated in the 3 month youth exchange this past year. We want to extend another thank you to your organization for sponsoring this exceptional program. We thoroughly enjoyed hosting our German student, Felix, last fall. Jon’s experience visting Felix in Germany this summer was wonderful. It’s hard to describe what a life-changing experience this has been for our whole family. We feel
fortunate to have had this opportunity, and hope others will get a chance to participate in this program in the future. Because of our positive experience with the Sister Cities Exchange Program, we are hosting a French student this semester through the Rotary Exchange Program. This too is proving to be a wonderful experience for us. However, we are only hosting. This program does not arrange a reciprocal visit between one of our children and our French student. The actual “exchange” between families that was a part of your program is what makes the experience so unique and rewarding. We know that it probably takes a lot of work on your part to make this program successful, but the benefits for the families you are helping is immeasurable. We sincerely hope that you are able to continue this program in the future. Auf Wiedersehen,Jana and Steve Laux. |