90 Tage USA

Schüleraustausch zwischen den Partnerstädten Paderborn und Belleville, Illinois

Am 13.August 2005 fliegen wir VIER mit einwöchiger Begleitung durch Herrn Erdmann ( siehe Fotos ) für 90 Tage nach Belleville der amerikanischen Partnerstadt von Paderborn.

Belleville liegt mit seinen ca. 40.000 Einwohner im Süden des Bundesstaates Illinois – ganz in der Nähe von St. Louis. Wir werden dort die beiden Highschools von Belleville und die des Nachbarortes Mascoutah besuchen. Untergebracht sind wir bei vier verschiedenen Gastfamilien mit denen wir schon jetzt in regem Emailkontakt sind. Es ist geplant, dass aus diesen Familien vier Jugendliche ab dem 1.6.2006 zu uns nach Paderborn kommen und hier dann bis zu den Sommerferien am Unterricht in unseren Gymnasien teilnehmen werden.

Von uns Vieren war noch niemand in den USA und wir sind sehr gespannt und lernbereit. Eine etwas bittere Pille werden Drei von uns schlucken müssen: an den beiden Belleville Highschools wird es ab dem Herbst 2005 einen strikten Dresscode geben, der u. a. jegliches Tragen von Jeans auf dem Campus verbietet.

Als Ausgleich darüber freuen wir uns auf das breite Fächerangebot der Schulen und auf die zahlreichen Kontakte mit den amerikanischen Jugendlichen und deren American Way.

Während dieser 90 Tage wollen wir jeweils ein individuelles Internet Tagebuch führen und darin über unsere Erfahrungen berichten. Um Mitlesen zu können, genügt ein Mausklick auf das jeweilige Foto bzw. den Namen.

Natürlich freuen wir uns auch über Ihre Kommentare, Hinweise, Ideen und Anregungen. Benutzen Sie dazu bitte unsere jeweiligen E-Mail-Adressen.

Vielen Dank für Ihr interaktives Interesse an unseren Erlebnissen und Erfahrungen.

Robert Berns, Maren Fastrich, Gesa Hage, Felix Jonas.

Weitere Auskünfte zu diesem “90 Tage USA-Schüleraustauschprojekt” des Deutsch-Amerikanischen Freundeskreises Paderborn – Belleville erteilt Ihnen gerne Herr Erdmann oder der DAFK.

(Jörg Erdmann, Hirtenweg 17a, 33102 Paderborn)

Aus dem Mitteilungsblatt von Belleville Sister Cities Inc. November 2005

Grußworte der Präsidenten

President’s Message

As this year comes to an end, so does my two year term as President of Belleville Sister Cities.

How time flies. When I took on this position, I was eager to keep all programs going. It has been quite an experience, easy at times, but also very frustrating at others. I have learned quite a bit, but all in all, I was proud and happy to have served as President. Norma Bergkoetter will take over as of January 1, 2006. I know she will do her best, so please give her the same help, support and good advice I have had from you during this time. At our November 17th General Meeting we will have the lection of officers. If you are interested in serving on the board, as either Secretary, Trustee or Membership chairperson, please let me know, or call Sally Berkel at 234-2331. If so, please try to come to the meeting. We would like for all members to get involved in SC.

This past July, a small group from our BSC went to Paderborn to participate in their annual St. Libory Fest. I’m sure all of us had a great time, except for the weather. At first it was a relief to come from our hot temperatures to a cooler climate, but we could have done without the rain. But visiting with all our friends made up for the bad weather. .
Also this year we had 14 students and 2 chaperones from Paderborn staying here with us. After 2 weeks they continued their trip to New York before returning back home. On behalf of BSC I want to thank all the host families and all the people that helped to organize everything. Next year it is our turn to send the students over there for a 3 week stay.

This year is also the first time that we are hosting 4 exchange students from Paderborn for 3 month. Two are going to Belleville West, one to Belleville East and one to Mascoutah HS. They are staying with host families as well. The News Democrat had interviewed all four and the American host students as well. Hope you saw the article in the paper. I have talked to all of them recently, and it seems as they are enjoying their stay more and more. It is an experience to stay in a different country for a length of time. Even though many of us are of German heritage, it is still a different culture and way of living. Let’s hope that they enjoy the rest of their stay and go home with good memories and enriched by new impressions.

As you know Belleville Sister Cities is awarding a $ 1,000.00 (two $ 500.00) to the “Dottie and Rich Brauer Scholarship Fund” to two recipients at SWIC. I had the pleasure meeting with both of them. They are taking German and both eventually want to teach the language. I believe that both are worthy of the award. We made it through the Oktoberfest with plenty of sunshine. Our profit I believe exceeded last year’s. As always, the food was delicious, and a very special “THANKS” to the ladies from St. Libory for making the potato salad again this year. It is definitely a big seller. Quite a few mentioned that they were looking forward for a good German meal at a reasonable price. Thanks to ALL that helped at the Oktoberfest.

Here is a chance for YOU to get involved. This year, SC will participate in the annual Santa Claus parade, held on November 25th, the day after Thanksgiving. We have a flatbed and also a place to store and decorate it. All we need now is your help and talent. The theme is “German Christmas”. Unfortunately we are not allowed to have a German St. Nick. There is only one Santa Claus allowed in the parade. If you would like to help, please call me at 234-3633. We need to start working on it “As Soon As Possible” . But if you can’t help, please come and cheer when we walk past you.

Our “Taste of Germany” dinner was a great success. I have talked to quite a few people, and all were raving about the good food. Thanks to Kenny Fischer and his staff for preparing it. And a special thanks to all that helped make the Rouladen. We are all little experts at it now. Seems as they are getting better each year. A lot of work went into that event as well. Thanks to all!

Since this will be my last “President’s Message” , I will from now on relax and read Norma’s.

Last but not least “CONGRATULATIONS” are in order. As you know SC presents each year the “Herman and the “Belleville Sister Cities” award to two of our members that have done a great job for our organization. The Herman Award went to the business of Larry Schaltenbrand , “Schaltenbrand and Schaltenbrand”. Larry has been very active and supportive in SC. Besides being in charge of the Oktoberfest Beer Booth, his company has been very generous in supporting us. The Belleville Sister Award went to our Treasurer Jim Sheridan. Jim has been a treasurer for several years and since we are not in the red yet, he must have done a great job. It takes a lot of time and effort to keep the books straight with an organization as big as ours. Again “Thanks” to both of them for have done an out standing job. And as for myself, I would like to thank all of you again for working with me and all your help these past two years.

Norma,” good luck” to you as you take on this position.
Viele Gruesse an unsere Freunde in Paderborn

Doris Roach



News from Paderborn

Dear Friends in Belleville and Around!

It’s hurricane season. During the last weeks the people of Paderborn (and around the world) have been watching television as to the weather conk tions in the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico and the consequences of “Katrina” , “Rita” and “Wilma”…

The people of Paderborn have been in thoughts with those afflicted by the catastrophes. Let’s hope that man’s better understanding of environmental reasons for these extreme outbreaks of nature will help reduce the dangers – but this will be a long way.

We are getting lively and enthusiastic reports from our four high school students who presently are attending high schools in Belleville and Mascoutah for 90 days. These extended stays contribute to a better understanding of people. We are grateful to those who have made this experience possible, the principals of the schools, the host families, Belleville Sister Cities with President Doris Roach and Linda Driesner who have been very active to organize details of the stay. It would be wonderful if this project could be continued.

We look forward to welcoming the Belleville students for their stay in Paderborn next June.

In August, Ken and Rose Ann Renneker visited Paderborn where they stayed with different host families. We arranged a special “stammtisch” for them on August 22nd. Memories were exchanged with quite a few members who attended this evening event. And again we had another chance of remembering: This time with Bob and Ruth Fritz who had come to Europe for a trip. On September 26th we had a special “stammtisch” for them and for Jiu and Sue Wennemann of St. Li bory who had been to Paderborn twice as participants of former group visits. It was interesting to learn that Bob and Ruth could visit relatives in Germany who had been “rediscovered” only a few years ago. Friedel Schuette, godfather and a honorary member of our society, has just published a new book. He portrayed 40 men and women from Westphalia who immigrated to the US in the 19th century and who became famous US citizens. On November 11th he’ll give a lecture on his book for the Paderborn public. In the next “Newsletter we’ll give more details.

We have learned that BSC’s “Taste of Germany Dinner” had a good attendance, we are sure that the “rouladens” – among other things – were a hit again…

We are preparing for our Thanksgiving Dinner on November 24th. We are proud that on Belleville’s newly created homepage www.bellevillechamber.org “Sister Cities” are mentioned on the front page and that there is a link to our homepage, too. Another homepage operated by St. Clair County Historical Society is in the process of creation: www.gustavekoerner.org. With great interest we are reading the individual entries.

We are proud of our member Wolfgang Stueken who has been contributing on various items. Wolfgang will give a lecture on “Koerner” for our members at the end of January 2006:

Best wishes to all of you for the next weeks.


Bernd Broer
Dr. Otmar Allendorf

90-tägiger Schüleraustausch mit Belleville/Illinois erfolgreich beendet

Der Deutsch-Amerikanische-Freundeskreis Paderborn-Belleville hatte vier Paderborner Schülerinnen und Schülern die Möglichkeit geboten, an einem 90-tägigen Schüleraustausch mit unserer Partnerstadt Belleville/Illinois teilzunehmen. (siehe auch die Berichte der Teilnehmer auf dieser Homepage)

Bei ihrer Rückkehr nach Paderborn am 11.11.2005 begrüßten der Präsident des Freundeskreises, Bernd Broer (links) und Jörg Erdmann, Projektleiter (rechts), die Jugendlichen auf dem Paderborner Flughafen. (v.l.) Robert Berns (Gymnasium Theodorianum), Gesa Hage, Maren Fastrich (beide Goerdeler Gymnasium) , Felix Jonas (Gymnasium Schloß Neuhaus).

In den vergangenen 3 Monaten hatten Sie in Belleville in ihren jeweiligen Gastfamilien den typischen ,American-way-of-life’ kennen gelernt und aktiv am dortigen High-School-Unterricht teilgenommen. Die 90 Tage waren für die Jugendlichen voller neuer und interessanter Erfahrungen. Der Abschied von den amerikanischen Gastfamilien und den neu gewonnenen Freunden ist entsprechend schwer gefallen, auch wenn es in 2006 ein Wiedersehen gibt. Dann kommen die amerikanischen Jugendlichen zum Gegenbesuch nach Paderborn.

Ein herzliches Dankeschön geht an die Organisatoren des Ausstauschs in Belleville, besonders an Präsidentin Doris Roach mit dem Vorstand von Belleville Sister Cities und an Linda Driesner, an die beteiligten high schools und natürlich an die “host families”.

Hier in Paderborn hat sich Jörg Erdmann besondere Verdienste um die Durchführung des Austauschs erworben. Auch ihm dankt der Vorstand sehr herzlich.

Foto: Christian Hage

Aus dem Mitteilungsblatt von Belleville Sister Cities Inc. August 2005

Grußworte der Präsidenten

President’s Message

As you read this Newsletter, a few of us are enjoying ourselves in Germany.

A small group from our Sister Cities organization left July 21 for Paderborn. There we will stay for a 5 day official visit. As everyone made their own arrangements for the rest of their stay, John and I are going on a cruise through the North Sea for a few days. We will board in Holland. After that we will visit friends and family in my hometown. We will return to Belleville August 17, just in time for our quarterly membership meeting August 18.

While we are in Germany, our President Elect, Norma Bergkoetter will be attending the annual International Sister City Convention in Spokane, Washington. We are anxious to hear about all the information she will be bringing back to us.

On June 16 we held our annual Appreciation Dinner. This year we held it at the Elk’s. We had a nice crowd of about 70, but would have loved to have seen more of our members. The food was delicious, especially all the wonderful desserts and many thanks to everyone that brought a dish. The Elk’s really out-did themselves in making that event possible. Their Fried Chicken and Roast Beef were wonderful.

We also welcomed a very special guest, the Honorary Council of the Federal Republic of Germany, Lansing Hecker. Thanks for joining us at our functions.
This year we were part of the Shriner’s Parade again. Riess Ford of Marissa graciously loaned us two convertibles, which we decorated in the German and American colors and flags. We carried the banner that has our logo on it.

Now this is just a thought! ! ! How about us making our own float for next year’s parade? All we need is some kind of a flatbed and a place to store while we are decorating it. And with all your help and ideas, we might even come up with a prize winning float. How about some feedback on that!!!

On June 21, a few of us participated in the annual Sister City – Waterloo-Porta Westfalica parade. This year they celebrated their 25th Anniversary of the two Sister Cities. After the parade a very nice dedication in honor of Vera Kohlmeier was held.

If you have a spare moment, how about going down to City Hall and check out our display case for Sister Cities. Rich Berkel and I cleaned it up and re-arranged all the beautiful gifts that were presented to us over the past years. We also had a sign made for it, which bears, both, the Belleville and Paderborn flags. And of course Hermann is standing on top guarding it safely.

DECALS are up for sale!!! We had decals made of Belleville with the fountain on it. They would make a nice little token to give to our friends in Germany, or even put them on your car here. Germans are known to have a lot of decals on their cars, showing places they have been. We’re selling them to members for $1.00 and $ 2.00 a piece for non members. We will have the decals for sale at the Oktoberfest and of course at the Membership night.

On July 8, we welcomed 14 youth from Paderborn and their two chaperones. Linda Driesner, along with her youth committee has a great itinerary planned for the two weeks while they are here. Besides touring Belleville and St. Louis, they will also visit Springfield, IL. A trip to Six Flags, Cahokia Mounds, a 2 day trip to Huzzah Valley in Missouri, a Work-Out at the YMCA and a Grizzlies Game are also on the agenda. The group will depart St. Louis on July 22 for another week in New York, and then back to Germany. Let’s hope they have a great and very memorable stay here with us. On behalf of Belleville Sister Cities I want to thank all the Host Families for opening their homes to these young students. But ” SPECIAL THANKS” go the Paul Thompson family. They were gracious enough to open their house and huge back yard for the “Welcome Reception” for the youth group from Paderborn. We also welcomed Mayor Mark Eckert and his family that night to greet the youth group from Germany. Any more detailed information about the youth group, please read the article submitted by our Youth Chairperson Linda Driesner. But I also want to thank all involved with this youth program for helping, especially Linda Driesner, our chaperones Jamie Stephens, her mother Mary Stephens, our Treasurer Jim Sheridan and Theresa Fritz. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I know there is a lot of work involved, but my main concern is that ALL of you, after handling 28 kids, are still mentally functioning.

The “Farewell Party” was hosted this year by our members from St. Libory. They deserve as well “SPECIAL THANKS”.

And last but not least, keep in mind that the Oktoberfest is coming up soon. As in previous years, you will receive a letter with a work schedule. Please fill it out and return it. It makes it a lot easier if we can assign workers ahead of time. That way we shouldn’t be over or under-staffed.

As you know, our election for President Elect, Treasurer, Secretary and one Trustee is coming up in November. If anyone is interested to run for any of these offices, please let us know at the next meeting, or call me.

Hope to see all of you at our Membership Night on August 18 at Fischer’s. I would also like to encourage our host families and the youth to join us at our General Membership Meeting. I think it would be nice to hear their input and experience of hosting.

Viele Gruesse an unsere Freunde in Paderborn. Wir hoffen dass Sie die Jugendgruppe wieder gesund zurueck erhalten haben.

Doris Roach



News from Paderborn

Dear Friends in Belleville and Around!

It was the time of the Libori-Fest, this year from July 23rd thru 31st. We were glad that we could welcome the delegation from our sister city Belleville: BSC’ s President Doris Roach and John Roach, Rich and Sally Berkel, John and Adrian Villotti and Nancy Macklin. By invitation of the Mayor of Paderborn, Heinz Paus, they celebrated the opening of the fest with their hosts and a large crowd at the Rathaus (City Hall). Again Mayor Paus gave a separate reception for the delegation in remembrance of the 15th anniversary of the signing of the documents of friendship on September 2″d, 1990. At that time late Rich Brauer and Willi Lueke, then Mayors, were the ones who got this sister city relationship formally going on the side of both cities.

In their addresses Mayor Paus and Doris Roach put a strong emphasis on the importance of the youth exchanges between our cities that have been kept going for 15 years! The youth exchange started in July 1990 when 14 young people from Belleville came to Paderborn. Both expressed their intention that these activities should go on since one could understand each other best when one could talk to each other and could experience the way of living in a host family.

Mayor Paus said that Doris should extend his thanks to the host families that had taken the young people from Paderborn in July.

Bernd Broer on his part expressed his thanks to Doris Roach and especially to Linda Driesner, the host families and everybody else involved in this year’s wonderful program.

Mayor Paus could also welcome a resident of Mainz, Germany, who had come by train that morning to attend the reception at City Hall: Lin Driscoll (married to Professor Heinz) lived in Belleville from 1954 thru 1965, near Memorial Hospital while her father was PR manager for the Chamber of Commerce in St. Louis. Lin was really happy to have the chance of meeting with residents of Belleville. Later that day she talked intensively with Rich and Sally Berkel exchanging memories of the school teacher, both Sally and Lin had, Miss Anna Lee Grommet at Dewey Grammar School. The three remembered the B.Z.B. Restaurant and Ice Cream and Stan Kahn, organist, who is still performing in Belleville from time to time.

This year’s official meeting ended with a get-together with the members of the German-American Friendship Society at “Richts Deele” in Altenbeken-Buke, a restaurant in a rural setting. Willi Lueke gave a report of the beginning of the cities’ twinning in 1988.

When everybody said “Goodbye Auf Wiedersehen” to each other this was done in the hope to continue this wonderful experience…

Jay Erdmann will accompany a group of 4 students from Paderborn arriving August 13th who will attend High Schools: Maren Fastrich, Gesa Hage, Felix Jonas and Robert Berns will attend classes at Belleville West, East and in Mascoutah for three months. They’ll stay with host families whose children will come to Paderborn next year. BSC has been very active to make this possible. Our thanks go to the Principals of the Schools, to Linda Driesner and Doris Roach and everybody involved.

On June 19th Deputy Mayor Elsbeth Menneken (who was in Belleville in May 2004) opened an exhibition of pictures by the young Belleville artist Rob Thornberry. The show lasted thru July 6th 2005. Rob and his wife Linda were invited by the City of Paderborn. They were present when about 50 people were listening to the opening addresses and the talk of the art expert, Dr. Alexandra Sucrow. She said characterising Rob’s works of mixed media: “A book full of interesting stories seems to have been put together for us by the artist Rob Thornberry, which is being opened for this exhibition – stories that do not only express the thoughts of the artist’s but also characterise a living world over and over again.

Collages are Rob Thornberry’s preferred area of creation. Collections of script, pictures and intensive colours that often appear to be interwoven in horizontal and vertical passages. Singular letters or complete scriptures, logos or bands – preferably from cigar boxes, appear to give the pictures an identity beyond colour and shape; they find a way through partially windowed, partially opaquely created colour fields, to the surface of the picture, as though they were trying to make themselves and the picture being recognised.

Thornberry himself calls many of his works ‘landscapes’ and indeed on closer inspection one can repeatedly make out horizontal lines, green verges and sky area – on occasion even cloud formation. We can imagine the curvy shapes to be trees, bushes and other vegetable forms. Rob Thornberry does this, he sees sailing boats at sea in his pictures and in others he sees flower meadows. There are not only the classical “landscapes” though, but also a “primary scape”, a landscape created in primary colours and a “number scape” a landscape in which numbers have an important creating role….”

We wonder when the people of Belleville will have a chance to check these impressions on their own.

We have got a warm reply of Bishop Braxton to our best wishes that we had sent on his installation as 8th Bishop of Belleville. We hope that he as well as Mayor Eckert will be able to visit their sister city Paderborn in the next future.


Bernd Broer
Dr. Otmar Allendorf

Rob Thornberrys Bilder in Schloss Neuhaus

Verschleierte Geschichten
Rob Thornberrys Bilder in Schloss Neuhaus

Die Städtepartnerschaft zwischen Paderborn und Belleville beschränkt sich keineswegs auf gegenseitige Besuchergruppen, sondern beinhaltet ebenso den Transfer kulturellen Guts, wie eine Ausstellung in Schloss Neuhaus belegt.

Im Gewölbesaal des örtlichen Schlosses sind bis zum 7. Juli die Arbeiten des Amerikaners Rob Thornberry zu sehen, der in Belleville beheimat ist. Der 29-jährige Lehrer aus Illinois hat zahlreiche seiner Exponate vom Mittleren Westen der USA ins Ostwestfälische transportiert und bietet jedem Kunstinteressierten drei Wochen lang die Möglichkeit, ein Stück amerikanischer Gegenwartskunst auf sich wirken zu lassen.

Dienstags bis Samstags von 15 bis 17 Uhr und Sonn- und Feiertags von 11 bis 18 Uhr können die kontrastreichen, auf Papier angefertigten Collagen Thornberrys in Augenschein genommen werden, laden ein zur Ergründung von Techniken und Themen. Erst durch die genaue Betrachtung der einzelnen Exponate lassen sich Feinheiten erkennen, wird die senk- und waagerechte Verschränkung von Schrift, Bild und Farbe deutlich. Dabei formt die Übereinanderschichtung einzelner Elemente – oft sind Banderolen und Etiketten verarbeitet – individuelle Landschaften, erzählt verschleierte Geschichten und enträtselt sie zugleich.